mk (make) design

Remove Yourself And Your Clients From Visual Page Builders

Why you should stop using ANY visual page Builder

I’ve recently, myself created so big mess, that at first we are not aware of, and that is, to EVER start using any page buildes AT ALL!


Because, in mycase that was visual composer (premium plugin) that I wanted to stop using (because I pay to much bucks for web pages that I’ve created for my clients in past couple of years)

And what happens when you disable that plugin?

Not much, very ugly scene,, EVERY post photo, title, text disapears, and you are left with only one shortcode like this!

So, again, that is not only case for Visual Composer, that is the case for any other builder, including DIVI builder or else..

And,,, did you checked source of that page to see what it looks like for SEO - yoast generated automatically?

don’t you want to shot your self up because of that.. and you know what, I still remember that day when I discovered Visual builders.. I thought to my self - “I’M SMART- I’LL DO THIS FOR EVER” :(

Boy (or girl) was I wrong..?

So, my best advice is, after years and years of working with them, ditch them, go back to basics..

Use your own template file, code that stuff inside php file directyla, and never go back to any shiny thing that looks like it will solve all your problems..

yeah.. but any up to date developer will see that this days we have Gutenberg (VISUAL BUILDER) in core ???

to be continued :) Protection Status