mk (make) design

Order Srcset Attribute in Img Picture Element By Size

Order srcset attribute in picture elements

If your favorite CMS (WordPress in my case) is outputing srcset attribute in strange order (not by viewport size as I’d expected it — from smallest to biggest) then you can use this peace of javascript to find the biggest image if you need it!

$.each( $('img'), function(){
	if( ! $(this).attr('srcset') ) return;
	var urls = $(this).attr('srcset').split(/,/);
	urls = urls.sort(function(a, b){
		return a.match( / (\d+)/, 'g' )[0].trim()-b.match( / (\d+)/, 'g' )[0].trim();
	urls = urls.pop().trim().replace( / .*$/g, '') ;
	var dir = $(this).attr('src');
	if( dir.indexOf('gif') > 0 ) return;
	$(this).parent().attr('href', urls );

In the code above I’m setting the href attr to the biggest image from srcset that this peace of code does :)

Hope someone ever find it usefull like I did today :)

cheers, k Protection Status