mk (make) design

Select2 hook to trigger phpgrid

Hi! This is an example code post that shows several types of great select2 content via ajax search and redirecting result from outside (this) scope :)

Select2 hook on phpGrid

    width: '99%',
    separator: ';',
    placeholder: "-- Select --",
    minimumInputLength: 1,
    allowClear: true,
    dropdownCssClass: "malaslova",

    initSelection: function(element, callback) {
        var res = "";
        var tmp = "";

        if (element.attr('temp') == undefined) { 
            tmp = element.val().split(':')[0].trim();
            element.attr('temp', tmp); 

        tmp = element.attr('temp');

        res = {
            id: tmp,
            text: element.val()

    ajax: {
        url: "/main/ajax/lookup_select2.php",
        dataType: 'json',
        quietMillis: 750,
        data: function(term) {
            return {
                lookup_table: $(this).attr('rel'),
                lookup_key: $(this).attr('lookup_key'), 
                id_table_main: $('.selected_tab_parent').attr('rel'),
                fkid: $('.selected_tab_parent').attr('node_id'),
                q: term,
                mod: window.modtype
        results: function(data) {
            var results = [];
            var id1 =;
            var name = data.text;
            $.each(, function(index, item) {
                    id: item[id1],
                    text: item[name].trim() + ' : ' + item[id1]
            return {
                results: results


phpGrid has builtin form that have basic lookup feature, and in this gist I’m showing couple of methods that I do on aftershowform event.

  • Hiding / Showing controls that have dependance of other controls
  • Redirecting result value from one select2 to another
  • Getting / setting multiselect for column
  • Getting / setting form column count

cheers, k Protection Status