mk (make) design

Remove Yourself And Your Clients From Visual Page Builders

Why you should stop using ANY visual page Builder

Visualcomposer To Gutenberg

Covert site with Visual Composer tags to Gutenberg tags

Order Srcset Attribute in Img Picture Element By Size

Order srcset attribute in picture elements

Wp Smashit Autoclick

WP SmashIt auto click script

Lets test some svg animation with visusJS

SVG animation test one

Should I stay or should I switch?

Gmail is old & Inbox is new, faster is one I get used to :) la la la

O my, is that my first stillmotion movie ?

Little frog in a stillmovie?

My first Inkscape custom type, by my five years old daughter, Paula

My first custom font face, out of my daughters drawings :)

New and cool Wordpress customizer toolkit named Kirki

New cool developement wordpress customizer toolkit

That chickenpox :|

You hate how chickenpox manifest, especially when your kid have it and it's spread :( Protection Status